Appraisal & Valuation Services

Expert Appraisal and Valuation Services

Arcadia Art Consultancy provides formal appraisal reports for personal and corporate collectors across the United States. Our reports conform to the 2024 Uniform Standards of the Personal Appraisal Practice, as well as all relevant IRS and state tax requirements. Upon the completion of the appraisal report, an electronic copy of the report will be sent to the client. When requested, the client may also receive a bound copy of their appraisal report. Virtual appraisals are available to our clients on a contingent basis.

Our competitive fee structure is based upon a per specialist rate, plus expenses. Travel fees do not apply to single-day projects within 250 miles of our Charlotte office.

Prior to commencing our appraisal work, we will provide an estimate based upon the scope of work. A not-to-exceed bid may be requested.

Standard appraisal report turnaround is 4-6 weeks from the date of inspection.

What Reports We Write:

Art Lending (Collateral) | Damage & Loss Insurance Claims | Equitable Distribution (Divorce) | Estate & Financial Planning | Estate Tax Liability | Gift Tax Liability | Imminent Sale | Insurance Coverage | Non-Cash Charitable Contributions (Donation) | Restricted Use | Probate

What We Appraise: 

American Furniture, Folk & Decorative Arts | Asian Art & Objects | British & European Furniture & Decorative Arts | Books, Maps & Manuscripts | Coins & Currency | Collectibles | Couture & Accessories | Fine Art (Old Master, Modern, Post-War, Contemporary, American and Ultra-Contemporary) | Fine Jewelry | Fine Silver & Objets de Virtu | General Residential Contents | Memorabilia | Musical Instruments | Rugs & Carpets | Taxidermy | Watches & Clocks | Wine & Spirits